News aggregators and RSS feeds have been around for awhile now, but only with the rapid proliferation of touch technology on mobile devices and tablets, have we started moving closer to a truly appealing news feed experience. For the average web user, the traditional staid design and text-and-headline-heavy interface of the RSS feed and feed aggregators have offered user experiences to be endured rather than enjoyed. News apps for both the iPhone and iPad, like
Pulse and
Flipboard, have garnered quite a bit of attention of late for disrupting the aggregation and RSS reader experience by offering up new, intriguing ways of representing data. But when it comes to news consumption, I?d rather look to feeds emanating from editorially directed and curated magazines and websites, rather than a template populated by Facebook and Twitter such as Flipboard?or a design and user experience that is a bit sexier than Pulse?
and I?d love to have quality versions on my iPhone (that have true staying power). This is why I?ve recently become a fan of
FLUD, which allows users to plug in feeds from favorite sites (like TechCrunch, ahem) and read, peruse, and share articles through a neatly-presented, tile-based interface?for free. And unlike Flipboad, FLUD is on both the
iPad and iPhone?and it?s coming soon to Android and the desktop.

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